How to Insure Valuables: Fine Art, Wine, Jewelry & More


How to Insure Valuables Fine Art, Wine, Jewelry & MoreHow to Insure Valuables: Fine Art, Wine, Jewelry & More

As Hurricane Sandy rolls past the east coast, residents are grieving over the loss of their valuable possessions. Even as families pack up their luggage and travel to different destinations, they often leave their home and their valuables susceptible to theft. Although your home is covered by homeowners insurance, your valuable possessions inside may only be covered by a small amount. Valuables may mean many different things to many different individuals, some find the value in sentimental objects and some find it in monetary objects. However regardless of your definition of valuable, you need to be aware and educated with the best ways to insure your valuables.

Nobody wants to see their fine art, wine, jewelry, exotic car, or silverware stolen only to find out that it cannot be replaced. Because general homeowners insurance does not cover very much of these valuables, you will need to speak with an agent and purchase additional coverage. The most common policy on how to insure valuables is the personal articles floater (PAF). Although PAF varies with every carrier, it generally means it is a separate or supplemental policy added to your homeowner policy in order to protect your valuables against theft or damages.

When purchasing a PAF you will need to create an inventory which includes the name of the item, a picture and its monetary worth. In order to compute the item’s value you may have an appraiser look and examine it. Although this may seem costly, it will ultimately it will be very beneficial in the event of a loss. This will ensure you scheduled value of the possession when filing a claim.

There is also blanket coverage which is often recommended for smaller possession, such as a less valuable piece of jewelry. If you do decide to purchase blanket coverage instead you do not need your possessions to be appraised. However, blanket coverage does not guarantee that you will be covered for the full amount you purchased the item for.

Sinclair Insurance welcomes the opportunity to sit down with you and tell you more about the special programs we can develop just for you. At your convenience, please feel free to call us at 203.265.0996, email us, or return the form on this page.