Stay afloat with these boating safety tips

Rachel WinslowRisk Management

Shorts, flip-flops, BBQs and cold brews. Tis the season of sunshine and Topsiders. (They’re back. Just ask Hip Daddy.) As the mercury creeps up, so does the popularity of those who own boats. Popular you may be, but what you don’t want are claims against your watercraft insurance policies. (Boat and yacht owners -…you do have watercraft insurance right?) Yes, … Read More

Advice on Purchasing a Yacht


Advice on Purchasing a Yacht A yacht purchase is a very substantial investment, and is just as important to insure as a home would be. In addition to protecting it after the purchase in made, there are a number of decisions to make and factors you should look for before you buy. For example, you should ask yourself what size … Read More