Employee Wellness Plan: Americans Living, Working Longer


Employee Wellness Plan Americans Living, Working LongerEmployee Wellness Plan: Americans Living, Working Longer

Americans are working longer and living longer than ever before. According to Newsmax, last year 18.5 percent of Americans 65 and older were still punching time clocks.

Some simply like their jobs. Others are concerned with finances and the cost of retirement. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 13% of workers who delayed retirement in 2011 did so because of inadequate finances, they are unable to afford to retire, or making up for losses in the stock market.

But longer hours can also take a toll on health. And although many Americans are working and living longer, they aren’t necessarily healthier. In fact, studies have shown that Americans are actually less healthy than the previous generation.

One study in Medical News Today reported that the 78 million baby boomers who were born between 1946 and 1964 were less healthy than most of their parents. The newest generation to hit retirement age is found to have more elevated levels of certain chronic conditions than the previous generation, including higher rates of obesity, cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension.

As we work longer but struggle with chronic health problems, it could escalate health costs and lower the quality of life for older Americans. One option to counter that movement is promoting wellness in the workplace to develop healthy habits that can improve health and longevity. Employee benefits and wellness plans can help employees live happier, healthier lives. They can reduce health care costs, live a higher quality of life and preserve their health.

At Sinclair Risk & Financial Management, we offer a wide rand of Employee Benefits, including Group Benefits, Retirement Planning and Employee Wellness Plans. We’ve developed a comprehensive branded risk management platform that integrates approaches to property and casualty and employee benefits. We’ll help you strike the right balance in offering employees a benefit plan that is attractive, offers more choices, customization and flexibility with the organization. Contact us today for more information. (877) 602-2305