Energy Dealer Insurance: The Pros and Cons of Solar Energy


Energy Dealer Insurance The Pros and Cons of Solar EnergyEnergy Dealer Insurance: The Pros and Cons of Solar Energy

If someone were to ask the American population of 1990 their opinion of solar energy, many individuals would say that it was unnecessary. However, years have gone and America has been able to experience the changes our world has been going through. According to a recent poll done by Sungevity illustrated that nearly 9 out of 10 American adults believe solar energy should play a bigger role. They even went as far as surveying if political parties affected their perspective on solar energy. However, 81% stated that regardless of their political affiliation, solar energy should be used in state and federal residences. Although the majority of Americas acknowledge and agree with the benefits of solar energy, there are still disadvantages we need to be aware of. Are you in the industry of energy? We would love to quote you with Energy Dealer Insurance. Give us a call today – (877) 602-2305

Here are the pros and cons of solar energy.


  • No Pollution:  If more individuals were to use solar panels, essentially our air would be free of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and mercury.  Unlike its counterparts, solar power does not burn fuels or generates emission. We would only have a minimal amount of pollution due to the manufacturing of solar panels.
  • No Noise: Because solar energy produces electricity our world would be less quiet compared to the loud noises fossil fuel and wind turbines produce.
  • Cost efficient:  Although it may be costly to install solar panels, it will ultimately save money because the operation of solar panels use little energy.
  • Renewable: Throughout the past few years, America is starting to realize that we are running out of resources and we need to start creating alternative resources. Solar energy is sustainable and renewable. As long as the sun is shining (NASA has predicted this to be another 6.5 billion year), we will have solar energy


  • Cost: The major con of solar energy that has pushed away a lot of Americans is the initial cost of solar cells. However, the investment is well worth the initial cost.
  • Climate:  While solar energy can be used during most weather conditions, it is not effective when it’s overcast. This variability forces us to depend on other resources as well.
  • Sunlight: Unfortunately, solar energy is ineffective when there isn’t any sunlight. This means that solar panels would only be beneficial during the day time.

Sinclair Risk & Financial Management offers a customized, comprehensive risk management and insurance program for Energy Dealers to protect businesses from risks of financial loss. Our staff’s knowledge of this complex and ever-changing industry helps us identify and protect against the exposures your unique operation encounters. We’ll help you balance your obligations to the environment, community, and company’s bottom line. Give Sinclair a call at 203.265.0996