Wallingford Physicians Insurance: Integrating Medical Technology


Wallingford Physicians Insurance: Integrating Medical Technology Wallingford Physicians Insurance: Integrating Medical Technology

Technological breakthroughs are constantly helping healthcare professionals solve many of the world’s toughest medical challenges. New advances in medical technology are always exciting, especially when they are accompanied by promises of minimally invasive procedures, improved accuracy and decreased complications.  From cultivating and regenerating body parts to monitoring comatose brain functions, many technological advances are helping patients receive better treatment and care.

When new technologies become available, they are often adopted quickly by professionals looking to keep a competitive edge in their field. Such is the case with robotic surgical assistance technologies which have become popular over the last decade as minimally invasive surgical solutions for various types of heath conditions. Widely introduced in 2003, the minimally invasive Da Vinci robotic surgical system remains one of the leading platforms for new urological, gynecological and colorectal surgeries. Far from a science-fiction super-robot, these technologies are still highly dependent on human operation. During these procedures, surgeons utilize high-resolution cameras to view internal surgical sites while guide the procedures by hand controlled robotic arms. According to proponents of the technology, the small instruments can easily access nuances in the human body that human hands cannot, and the display functions improve visibility of the necessary areas. Furthermore these procedures have been shown to decrease recovery time and minimize the healing strain on a body.

The adoption of new technology is never perfect and according to a recently released study, robotic surgeries could be causing unexpected complications. The study, released by University of California San Diego researchers examined the incident rate surrounding robotic surgical procedures and determined that patients, who underwent the robotic assisted procedures over the course of their study, were twice as likely to experience an adverse complication as those who underwent traditional procedures. The paper suggests that while the technology is strong, there seems to be a lack of properly regulated training about how to utilize the technology. The leading physicians on the report suggest that there is a need for standardized training programs to help better integrate these technologies into the healthcare system and new rules governing surgeon competence and credentialing.

A lack of consistent training presents a huge liability risk for medical practitioners. This could result in a rise in malpractice and professional liability claims brought against healthcare providers who were improperly trained. It can also increase challenges for the facilitators of medical facilities and practices.

At Sinclair Risk and Financial Management we understand the risks that Wallingford healthcare professionals face.  We have a team of professionals with the day-to-day experience required to analyze all your exposure and make recommendations on the best risk management solutions. Our Wallingford Physicians insurance offers customizable solutions to all your risk exposures. For more information about our Malpractice Liability coverage or any of our other professional solutions, call us today at (877) 602-2305.