Boston Commercial Property Insurance: Business Interruption Recovery

EditorBusiness Insurance, Risk Management

Boston Commercial Property Insurance: Business Interruption Recovery The harsh and somewhat unexpected winter weather has left many businesses in the east facing situations they never have before. Severe winds, melting ice, and extreme cold temperatures can cause significant property damage for businesses. In the event of the extended downtime, especially during a winter storm, getting back on your feet can be … Read More

Naples FL Financial Management: 2014 Business Finance Trends to Watch

EditorBusiness Insurance

 Naples FL Financial Management: 2014 Business Finance Trends to Watch Naples FL financial management planning should be an essential part of your business operations right from the start. As we move into 2014, it’s important to be aware of the role that Naples FL financial management plays in your organization, but also be aware of trends that can affect the … Read More

MA Financial Management: Small Business Finance Tips for 2014

EditorBusiness Insurance

MA Financial Management: Small Business Finance Tips for 2014 As the owner or manager of a small company or organization, financial management should always be the top of your business priorities. Effective MA financial management for small businesses involves being knowledgeable about cash-flow projections, bookkeeping and accounting, loan proposals, savings and investments, and payroll. Many larger companies may have an … Read More

Understanding the Value of Risk Management in the Healthcare Industry

EditorRisk Management

Understanding the Value of Risk Management in the Healthcare Industry Maximizing profits, or at least not operating at a loss, has long been at the forefront of business objectives for the healthcare industry. It’s important, however, for healthcare practitioners to look at just how much risk can or should be taken to reach their objectives. A question that many healthcare … Read More

Connecticut Aviation Insurance: Reducing Risks

EditorRisk Management

Connecticut Aviation Insurance: Reducing Risks Many pilots and aviation experts will tell you that the key to aviation safety is experience. They’ll say that experience is hands-down the best teacher, and that the learning pilot faces elevated risks in the course of gaining experience. Of course, experience alone doesn’t ensure that you’ll never face a risk or a legal issue. … Read More

Florida Construction Insurance: How Contractors Find Jobs


Florida Construction Insurance: How Contractors Find Jobs In recent months, the construction industry has been booming, making it more important than ever for construction firm managers and owners to find good, qualified contractors. Knowing what those potential employees are looking for in a job or construction company could help you acquire those candidates more easily. As you know, there are … Read More

Miami Construction Insurance: Trends in Home Building


Miami Construction Insurance: Trends in Home Building Home construction and remodeling has been picking up speed in the wake of the recent recession. Due to this, modern home builders are getting creative about their craftsmanship and focusing on what their customers are looking for. Overall, home buyers today seem to be focusing on quality and value. Here are some current … Read More

CT Contractors Insurance: Protecting Outdoor Workers from the Cold


CT Contractors Insurance: Protecting Outdoor Workers from the Cold Earlier in January, we wrote about how to protect your home during a winter storm. In the post, we discussed how important it was to stay indoors as much as possible, given the risk of frostbite, hypothermia, and other weather-related injuries or accidents. This risk was demonstrated recently with the presence … Read More

How Can Grocery Store Owners Prevent Food Contamination?


How Can Grocery Store Owners Prevent Food Contamination? As a grocery store owner, you are likely aware that many times food contamination incidences are out of your control, as they may have originated from the food manufacturing plant, or products could have been compromised during shipment. However, there are steps that you and your staff can take at the store … Read More