Cyber Insurance is Necessary for Businesses of Any Size

Dave SinclairCyber Security


It’s National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Businesses are under ever-evolving threats of cyberattacks and data breaches. There are a lot of these incidents reported in the news, from large retail stores (Target), restaurants (Panera), credit reporting agencies (Equifax) or popular social networks (Facebook). Many incidents affecting businesses and individuals are not even reported. How do businesses large, medium and small … Read More

Be neighborly this winter…you just might save a life

Dave SinclairHomeowners Insurance

Brrrr! Thoughts of escaping to spring unscathed by a harsh New England winter evaporated President’s Day weekend when the polar vortex bled into Valentine’s Day, putting a chilly damper on a supposedly spicy night. Winter is here, no doubt, along with its usual inconveniences. But for the elderly, pets and wildlife, and anyone on the roads in a storm, winter … Read More

Higher minimum wage means higher direct & indirect costs for business owners

Dave SinclairBusiness Insurance, Employee Benefits, Human Resources, Workers Compensation

The political pressure to enact a $15 federal minimum wage is growing stronger. It’s the stuff of nightmares for business owners, but it may yet become a reality. New York has already passed legislation, with the enthusiastic support of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, to raise the wage bar for fast food workers to $15. It seems inevitable that figure will soon … Read More

How to handle the challenges of an aging workforce

Dave SinclairBusiness Insurance, Construction, Employee Benefits, Human Resources, Risk Management, Workers Compensation

Take a look in the mirror…were those gray hairs there yesterday? Take a look around your office…could you be asking the same question? Nobody’s getting younger, not even me! But the American workforce is rapidly aging, creating a number of challenges for businesses of all types and sizes. The secular trend is stark: From 1976 to 2006, the percentage of … Read More

Are you prepared for an OSHA ‘pop-in’?

Dave SinclairBusiness Insurance, Risk Management, Workers Compensation

*ring ring ring* You’re not expecting anyone, but someone’s at the door…it’s your Aunt Elaine, famously resistant to getting a cell phone, who was in the neighborhood and thought she’d take a chance you might be home and drop by. Aunt Elaine may be great, but let’s face it, nobody loves a pop-in. While we tolerate the occasional boundary-crossing friend … Read More